Showing posts with label help center. Show all posts
Showing posts with label help center. Show all posts

Monday, December 2, 2013

$ 9.98 “ Christmas Must Be Love”

by Dwight L. Quinn

“ Christmas Must Be Love”

Christmas Must Be Love is collection of Christmas favorites created and produced by Oliver Johnson on the Quinn Records TM label. Oliver features both instrumental as well as vocal versions of these classical Christmas tunes. The original songs, Christmas Must be Love, Jingle Bell Jazz, all have that be-bop flavor that Oliver is known for displaying in his live performances in all making Christ Must Be Love, a listening pleasure. The late-great Louis Sash-Mo” Armstrong was Oliver’s idle, and in Christmas In New Orleans, Oliver demonstrates his love and appreciation for the legendary Louis Armstrong with his impersonation of Louie.
Oliver also featured his son Alex in his version of “Winter Wonderland,” Christmas Must Be Love will most definitely get you in the Christmas spirit. With lots horns, piano and chimes and bells all adding up to joyous fun.      Enjoy Christmas Must Be Love  CD

Catalog Number : QR051134-1
UPC# 6-62154-67436-2
1. Christmas Must Be Love
2. White Christmas, instrumental
3. Christmas In New Orleans
4. Jingle Bell Jazz, instr.
5. I’ll Be Home For Christmas
6. Merry Christmas Baby
7. This Christmas
8. Have Yourself A Merry Christmas
9. Winter Wonderland
10. Silver Bells
11. Santa Claus Is Coming To Town
12. I’ll Be Home For Christmas
13. Bells Will Be Ringing
14. Christmas Song
15. Santa Is Coming
16. Silent Night, instrumental

"FREE SHIPPPING" on all CD's when you order online at

is on our 
click link to order Quinn's 2-CD Box Set, NOW!

Code: 612106121222

Radio/Retail/Press: Get Promo Copies Here
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Where the sound of blues,gospel, jazz and soul music is made..

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Thursday, September 12, 2013


by Dwight L. Quinn

Mobile is no longer just a luxury, which is available to an exclusive class of society. 
It has now emerged as a necessity for users, developers and businesses alike. 
Users who once browsed Websites now do so, on their mobile devices.
Everything, including payment, has now become mobile.

For the first time, web and mobile measurement firm comScore Inc. is breaking 
out mobile commerce sales by product category. The firm offers a glimpse at what 
mobile shoppers are buying.

Following are select product categories, the percentage of web sales from desktop/laptop computers, the percentage from smartphones, and the percentage from tablets, for the first half of 2013, according to comScore:

Event tickets, 84.6%, 10.9%, 4.5%.
Apparel and accessories, 90.3%, 6.2%, 3.5%.
Consumer electronics, 94.4%, 2.6%, 2.9%.
Computer hardware, 94.5%, 3.3%, 2.1%.
Consumer packaged goods, 95.6%, 3.0%, 1.3%.
Overall, 90.4% of total web sales came from desktops and laptops in the first half 
of 2013, 6.0% from smartphones and 3.5% from tablets, comScore says. 

Mobile commerce sales hit $10.6 billion in the first half of 2013, comScore finds, 
up 27.7% from $8.3 billion during the first half of 2012.

“While mobile devices are already extremely influential in the overall buying process, 
they are also beginning to drive a meaningful percentage of digital commerce
,” says comScore chairman Gian Fulgoni. “One out of every ten consumer e-commerce 
dollars is now spent using either a smartphone or a tablet, and growth in this segment 
of the market is outpacing that of traditional e-commerce by a factor of 2x, which itself 
is growing at rates in the mid-teens. Any channel shift has the potential to be disruptive 
to established revenue streams, and it would appear that m-commerce spending has
reached enough of a critical mass that key stakeholders must begin to address this new 
market dynamic today or risk losing competitive advantage.”

Hence, it would be desirable for you to move with the changing times and adapt to
 the latest mobile technologies. It is no more enough to merely get someone create 
an app for your business – you also need an IT team which is “mobile-literate” and 
can take care of post mobile app development aspects, such as developing an 
effective mobile strategy, promoting the app and so on.

Today, each and every company does need to create a powerful enough mobile 
presence. In case you are not ready to develop a mobile app for your business yet, 
you should think of the next best thing – that of creating a mobile Website to 
showcase your products and services. This Website should ideally be compatible for
 viewing on a number of different mobile devices.

You will have to do a bit of research in order to hire the right app developer or team.
You could ask your business contacts or visit forums online and post your query. 
Once you choose a developer, follow the above-mentioned steps to ensure that your app 
development process is smooth and trouble-free.

Mobile App: Download It Here
Follow Us: Facebook

Where the sound of blues,gospel, jazz and soul music is made..

Source: idc,riaa,

Friday, August 16, 2013


by Dwight L. Quinn

Promoting and marketing of the artist is among one of the largest line item spending accounts in Quinn Records TM’s budget. In a extemely high competitive market it is important for artists to benefit from having promotional support if they are to have the opportunity to build and connect with a large audience.

 Today the marketing mix used to promote our artist to fans has changed dramatically over recent years. Social media channels now complement traditional gatekeepers such as radio and television. With an educated guess,we estimate that just five years ago 75 to 80 per cent of our marketing dollars spent was targeted at broadcast advertising, now this amount has fallen to less than 55 per cent of our marketing budget while the increase in online marketing will reach an expected equal balance between the two media mix of 50/50.

 Social marketing is constantly growing. When we released Kevin Wheeler’s KL&R2 album, I Got My Swag On in 2010 among the top ten things we needed to do in promoting it was to include – the YouTube video (Quinn President Choice), and a music-targeted Facebook campaign, an Online marketing strategy. Several of the channels did not exist when their previous album, Par-Tae! Get Your Groove On  had been released five years earlier. This was also true when we released their latest album If You Need Me! In July, we again had to add several more new platforms to the mix.” The growth of online media has meant that we have to spend increasing resources to supply the content that these channels need. Dwight Quinn says: “The content that we have to create in the digital erea is probably two-fold in comparsion to what it was five years ago; with the people it has almost become a way of  life.” Ronnie Ray promotion manager Quinn Records TM agrees. “You have to be in your best creative-mode when you do social marketing for your artist, it has to be real-real, it has to be home-grown. It has to come from the artist. It can’t be just what we as a company feeds out to the fans. What’s the message, who is it coming from, how does it get to the consumer? We're planning in the very near future the creation of an entirely new digital department, with upto 10 people.

 There is so much we can be doing with our artists, with their content and with their music.” New media channels offer the opportunity for us to communicate directly with our fans. “The internet has become the new television, with immediate feedback and real-time interaction.” No two promotional campaigns are the alike. Dwight says: “The real beauty of the music business is that there are no scripts. It’s about gut instinct and where ever the dice falls.

Why record companies are so relevant is that we can take more risks than any other industry.” In our experience and our research into this subject we,discovered that today promotional activities can often cover a broader range of activity than was once not the case, traditionally. Many artists such as our own, want to become involved in a range of areas, “Some of our artists want to create clothing lines,fragrants, produce their own materials and so forth, so we, like the Major labels are bringing in experts to offer directions to this new, artist goal along with giving to the artist all sort of advice that will assist the artist in obtaining their goals. So we're investing.

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Sunday, August 11, 2013

by Dwight L. Quinn

Last month we noticed a new name added to the list of Digital Service companies selling Quinn Records TM music.
Of couse we're not there yet in terms of large revenues coming from the Digital stream, but it's clear to each and everyone of us in the record business that within the next five years,or so and
if not sooner,Digital Downloading when take the lead in being the main choice of accessing and aquiring  music by cusumers.
Digital has added a new dimension to the services record companies provide for artists. Digital accounted for 31 per cent of record companies’ trade revenues in 2011 and the major services expanded their reach from 23 to 58 countries in the
same year. While some services, such as AmazonMP3 or iTunes, effectively replicate the physical format market with consumers buying albums or singles, others, such as Deezer, Spotify and VEVO, rely on either advertising income, people paying a monthly subscription fee or some combination of both.
Such services are still in the early stages of development but offer the opportunity of global scale. Subscription services in June 2012 had an estimated 16 million subscribers globally, a number that has almost doubled in the last 18 months.
Many streaming services are relatively recent start-ups.
One of the largest services, Spotify, only opened in Germany,the world’s third largest music market, in March 2012.
Spotify is most developed in Sweden, where large numbers of consumers use the paid-for subscription tier of the service, we believes it has had a positive effect. “In Sweden, Spotify has changed the music business and made it a happy place to work again.
Now large numbers of people have a premium account, the revenue stream is fantastic. People listen to an album or song and put it on their playlist. They won’t stop listening to it. It’ll be giving the artist and Quinn Records TM and other record company a revenue stream for years.

New Digital Service companies are sprouting up all over the place and streaming,downloading and buying music from a IPad,IPhone and/ or Tablets is sooner than ever is fast becoming the the norm.

We at Quinn Records TM with our new mobil app is still making it easy or fans who are still hold fast to the interest of blues,gospel, jazz and soul music can have continuous access to our music.

Our mobile-app is the cusumers gateway to current information that includes: Quinn's Top-10 Song Chart, music news, current events,Quinn's President Choice, shop n' buy at Quinn store, new releases, coming soon, catalog, tickets,coupons,Facebook, Twitter, photos,artist tour schedule and free music downloads.
Not only will our Mobile app give you access to our music but it would be like having a whole complete Record Company in the palm of your hands


Monday, August 5, 2013


by Dwight L. Quinn

Each week (Monday and Friday), Quinn Records TM puts together a chart of it's top 10 most popular songs based on a national sample of top 10 radio airplay, top 10 radio playlists, and music sales. Since our Top 10 comes from the 220 radio stations, APD,89 Digital Companies,YouTube Reporting, 40 Cable TV Channels tracked each week, let's look at how our tracking is compiled. 
First, there is airplay. What songs of ours that is actually being played on the radio and on music video channels on TV and screaming? Frequent calls to program directors and disc jockeys that reports and have their finger on the music, this is our good measure of what their listeners like. Airplay is tracked through our in-house Radio trackers, Air Play Direct (APD), YouTube and Broadcast Data Systems (BDS), run by Nielsen. BDS uses digital pattern-recognition technology to identify songs that are played on radio stations and music video TV channels across the United States and Canada. With the combination of Physical tracking a.k.a Manual tracking and the incorporation of tracking Technology, we've been able to track 24 hours a day, seven days a week, following over 220 targeted Radio Stations,APD,Digital Distributor,Cable TV YouTube and Spotify weekly. 

 Our Radio Promotions Department manual tracking consist of Playlists and verbal reporting from Radio with emphasis placed on obtaining as close as possible the number of people listening to a the station and we would multiply that number by the number of times one of our songs are played.

 When the company record a new song, a copy of the recording is sent to BDS so it can be encoded and tracked by its system on the stations it monitors. This data is used not only by Quinn in compiling our weekly Top 10 chart, but also by record company executives, radio stations, publishing firms, performance rights organizations (to calculate performance royalties), music retailers, independent promoters, film and TV producers, and artist managers.  

Another measure of what song of ours that is hot and what people are buying. To find out what music is selling in record stores, Quinn goes to Sound Scan  Nielsen Sound Scan is an information system that tracks the sales of music and music videos throughout the United States and Canada. By scanning the bar codes, they can collect sales information from cash registers each week from over 14,000 retail, mass merchant, and non-traditional sources such as online stores, concert sales, etc. The data is compiled and used in positioning the song on our Top 10 each Monday and Friday. Like BDS data, the data from Sound Scan is also very valuable for us in compiling a clear Top 10 Song Chart. 

 Our method for compiling our Top 10 Song chart have gone through a change or two over the past five years. Since publicizing our Radio Promotions Reports and Activities as a Promotional tool, we followed the foot prints of the icon of Charts, Billboard  we to changed the weighting of airplay versus sales in the compiling our Top 10 Song Chart. We found through researching and practical experiences that tracking a single song through album sales isn't exactly accurate, singles sales have always been used to track the sales side of song popularity. But, since only about 20% of people actually buy singles and over 90% listen to the radio, it made sense for us too, to alter the ratio of points. Now, the overall points are weighted to 20% sales and 80% airplay. 

 Quinn's Top 10 Song Chart is an important and valuable tool that let our fans,user of our music, music retailers,radio stations, promoters, film and TV producers, artist managers know what kind of music that we offer and how the music that we offer is performing in the very highly competitive music marketplace. The information that our Top 10 Song Chart gives to the Buyer is precious, it gives the Buyer the kind of Education that he or she needs to make the right Buying decision. 

 Quinn bases its Top 10 Song charts on its own prerecorded music and what is already being played on the radio and purchased in music stores, this is also the avenue to how radio stations find out about our new music. 

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Monday, July 29, 2013


by Dwight L. Quinn
Help Center

With over forty years experience in prerecorded music, we are qualified to handle every kind of music format imaginable. And, as a Quinn Records TM customer you always have a direct line to one of our representatives. Your success is our success.
We are your source for new blues music, new gospel music, new jazz and new soul music.
How competitive is Quinn's pricing?
When you buy from Quinn you leverage the buying power of other record company music.
We base our pricing on our combined volume and pass the savings along to you.
How fast is Quinn's turnaround time?
Our normal turnaround time is one days from receipt of order. However, we often
ship the same day when orders are received by 2:00 pm (central time). We under
stand that every order we receive is date sensitive and we guarantee  that we will
not only receive your order, but deliver it- on time, where ever it needs to be.
What are Quinn's formats?
We offer our prerecorded music products in formats ranging from, sheet music,
compact disc,cassette tapes, vinyl, dvd's, MP3,video,(New) phone apps.
What are Quinn's method of ordering?
1- Online (Preferred method)
2-By phone; 1-314-241-1538
3-By fax:     1-314-241-1538
4-By mail: Quinn Records TM
               P.O. Box 771693
               St. Louis, MO. 63177-1693
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